martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

GEP and THE BIG VAN THEORY on tour around Cantabria !

The Big Van Theory, a group of young scientists from different disciplines —physics, maths, biochemistry— that explore new possibilities on science communication. Since they met in the first edition of FAMELAB Spain (2013) they have been on tour with their scientific monologues trying to bring real science to general public. A great show to learn and laugh!  

Next  week Ana Payo will join The Big Van Theory in their  tour around Cantabria : Wednesday 3 September at 7 pm at UIMP, Santander and Thursday 4 September at 8 pm,  at the Centro Musical Ángel García Basoco, Castro Urdiales.  Watch out our gulls are on tour!!

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014

The ecological detective in video

I had the opportunity recently to give a talk at the Universities of Vigo, Santiago and Coruña with the excuse of the presentation of my popular science book "El detective ecológico: reflexiones sobre historia natural". Despite the title of the book my reflections are on ecology, evolution and conservation biology although directly inspired by the observation of the natural world in the field. I did not cover exactly the content of the book in my talks, not to upset would be readers, but I talked about some of my main interests and concerns in these three big fields. You may listen and watch the entire conference if you please under the following:



The video was recorded at the University of Vigo and I thank Xose Holgado for his good work with this. I am also thankful to Dr. Alberto Velando for organizing the talk.

(Alejandro Martínez-Abraín, PhD)