sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

GSMs reveal movements of gulls between large islands

With the help of T. Muñoz from the GOB we equipped four breeding Yellow Legged gulls with GPS/GSM devices at Dragonera Regional Park.  The first tracks reveal unexpected large movements of one male between the main islands Mallorca and Ibiza.  More to come.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Prof. Oro on PAFS

Prof D. Oro interviewed by the national newspaper EL PAIS speaks about PAFS (Predictable Antrhopogenic Food Subsidies) and their role in animal ecology here.
Photo: G. Weinert (from www.ElPais.com)

Check also the revision published by him and the GEP in Ecology Letters here.

viernes, 7 de abril de 2017

Intership at the GEP

Flore Mias, from the University of Toulouse, has joined the GEP for a 3-months intership. She will be investigating the movement pattern of the Balearic Wall Lizard. 
Welcome, Flore.