miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016

Ph.D. defense : Sergi Pérez Jorge !!

Indiviudal dolphin with increasing marking level M1,M2 and M3 (photo: S. Pérez)
Sergi Pérez has successfully defended his Ph.D thesis on the ecology of the common bottlenose dolphin at the protected area Kisite-Mpunguti in Kenya. The thesis, supervised by Prof. D. Oro and Dr. M Louzao, has been presented the University of Cadiz (Spain).  You can read Sergi's work here.

Pérez, S. 2015. Ecologia del delfín Mular del Indo-Pacifico  en el área marina protegida de Kisite-Mpunguti, Kenia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cadiz, Spain.
Visca, Sergi!!!

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